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Madelyn Frederick

It's finally happening!

"wipes sweat from brow and slowly whispers I DID IT"

That is what it was like the moment I finished my website. It has been something I have wanted to do from the very beginning. To have one central place where all of my information was a dream and it has ficome true.

This website is something I built and ideas emerged from my brain to create this.


Something I have always enjoyed and thrived on. I thought creating had become a thing of the past for me. When I was diagnosed creating became difficult and close to impossible. The joy I would feel and hear from creating a song on the piano turned into tears and frustration when my fingers would fumble across the ivory keys.

I lost my spark. I lost myself.

Something that I try to remind myself daily is "you have FA, but FA doesn’t have you"

When I started sharing my journey through social media I felt as if there was a purpose and reason for FA. Through all of this, I believe that I have found myself again!

Please subscribe to my website, and stay up to date on all things "Madelyn!"


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